Welcome to a family office session with Alex Scott, co-chair of FBN International Family Office Community and 4th generation and leader of a multifamily investment office
Across its member associations, FBN International gathers circles of business families who are considering, are in the process of or have established family offices to learn and exchange among peers, discussing both the family and the business sides of a family office.
- The family side of family office: succession planning, education of the Next Gen, family cohesion, entrepreneurial spirit, family compensation, philanthropy, concierge services, etc
- The Business side of family office: wealth planning and management, diversification, active investing, non-family talent, impact investment
Alex Scott is a fourth-generation family business owner, leader and strategist and Chairman of Applerigg, a private, family-owned business built on the foundations of a financial services group established by his great-grandfather in 1903.
Following his leadership of the sale of Provincial Insurance Group in 1994, Alex founded the first of the Applerigg group portfolio companies. Alex is a Trustee of the Grosvenor Estate, and chairs the Grosvenor Pension Plan and Wheatsheaf Group. He is a Non-Executive Director of his family’s investment holding company, as well as of several private companies.
As the concept of family office is growing, for loads of different reasons, FBN Sweden is doing a series of webinars on the subject for our members. As one of our members said: “it is needed to take a step back and reflect over our family office’s why and see other families examples and to discuss with others in the same situation.” Or as another member said: ”it´s one of the best FBN-sessions I have been to with my kids, we are now building our own version of family office based on what we learned.”
Kommentarer om FBNs Family Office-seminarium i oktober 2023
Det är nyttigt att ta ett steg tillbaka, reflektera över family office’s varför och se exempel från andra familjeföretag och diskutera med andra i samma sits. Detta faciliterar FBN väl. Tack!
Caroline Walerud
…ett av de bästa FBN-möten jag upplevt tillsammans med barnen och nu jobbar vi vidare på vår version av Family Office på den grund som presenterades och den inspiration som mötet gav. Att tillsammans med andra medlemmar lyssna på föredrag, och inte minst alla tankar från andra som kommer fram under ett sådant seminarium, ger enormt mycket tillbaka.
Familjen Adelswärd
Onsdag 6 december 2023
16.30 - 18.00
online Zoom