Join us for a seminar with our Italian friends, Paolo Morosetti and Marco Rossi.
The seminar will delve into career options for the next generation, ranging from family employment to family entrepreneurship, focusing particularly on the latter and its relevance to the rising generations of Gen Y and Gen Z.
Paolo is a Senior Lecturer in Corporate Strategy and Strategic Management of Family Business at Bocconi University in Milan. He has extensive professional experience working with entrepreneurial families in Europe and globally, and has collaborated with the Italian Association of Family Businesses and the Family Business Network International for numerous years. Marco, a member of the fourth generation of the Rossi family, is the co-CEO of IRSAP, a leading European company based in Italy that specializes in home comfort solutions. He also leads the nextgen community of the Italian Association of Family Businesses and is a member of its board of directors.
After the presentation, we will facilitate a moderated conversation with all participants.
Thursday 7 december
Online Zoom