Welcome to this first Nordic webinar hosted by Family Business Norway. Each quarter the Nordic chapters of Family Business Network will deliver a Nordic webinar in English.
For this webinar we have guests from Norway and Finland. Sigurd Haavik has supported some of the leading business owning families in Norway in the development of their ownership strategies. He is a former CEO of one of Norway’s largest single family offices – and holds several board positions. In 2020, he co-founded Oslo Family Office, Norway’s first multi-family office. Philip Aminoff is a fourth generation owner and chairman of his family’s industrial holding companies Helvar Merca and Helectron. He chaired European Family Businesses (EFB) 2008-12 and the Finnish Family Firms Association 2018-20. In 2019 he chaired a working group that developed the document “Best practices of owner families”.
In this webinar you will learn more about why you should develop an ownership strategy and the process to develop such a document.
Anmälan sker via FBNorways hemsida.
Tisdag 9 februari 2021
Seminariet är kostnadsfritt för FBNs medlemmar